Grief, Healing, Transitions

Pandemic Orientation

Each day is unpredictable. Time is twisting. Some days I feel fired up and inspired by my desires and projects. Before I know, I am slammed with grief, both universal and personal.  Sensitive to the strong emotions flying around, I struggle to focus, or to do more than sleep and go for walks. I can feel myself being pulled in so many directions. 

I’m reminding myself a lot lately that this pandemic is really hard for humans, but perhaps quite a blessing for Earth. Our human world relates catastrophe to how it effects us. The world is so much more. This is not to downplay the hardship, but to open up my perspective beyond politics and my screaming activist heart. Humans are undergoing a major lesson and a major shift in consciousness, that will last far beyond the health crisis. 

May this be a time that all souls learn lessons and go forward to create something new, rather than go back to the old ways. The old constructs are falling, and we can rise to nature what we are wanting next. We are being forced to look inward and ask what we are really doing with our lives. This introspection can feel traumatic, especially if we have been able to distract ourselves with life’s routines, habits, and what we took for granted.

My friend reminded me that even though I care and feel so much, that what I am doing here is far beyond politics. That healing isn’t about understanding meaning, or figuring anything out. Western culture is so caught in knowing, and ironically that focus can keep us blind to the lessons. Healing is about bringing light and balance to the parts of us in need. It is about expanding our beliefs of what is possible. We can be a light even if we are surrounded by darkness. We can be compassionate without making their pain our own.

Orienting myself this way has really helped me get more excited about my own path, and less worried about what it should all look like. There is no way to know. The entire world is flying by the seat of their pants, and in that, we find solidarity. 

Grief, Healing, Love, poetry

Love, Loss and Light

OK…so a little poetry? Maybe? I dunno, I have never done this.

The last couple months have been incredibly dense, having several unexpected shifts with very intimate aspects of my life. With this so, I’m choosing a different writing format, one in which I don’t use more words than needed to connect ideas. Enjoy… 

When you feel you have lost so much,
the Universe has a way of returning to you
the most important parts,
and you realize these are enough.

Abundance remains.

Scraping away the extra,
becoming aware of all the debris
and the bottomless, condition-less love
you knew you had,
but didn’t really know you have.

Grief swallows you, and you recognize
your tremendous capacity for love,
thus there is no room for fear to exist.
The intellect has disengaged,
and what remains is sensation, allowing, and grace.

I feel no boundaries of bodily flesh
between myself and the rest of what is here.
Oozing heart-being floating in the sunshine,
birds singing and deep Earth keeping me safe.

Heart heavy because she holds so so much,
is a reminder that we are beyond full,
bursting with emotions,
rather than empty with loss or lostness.

Greif is laudation,
as it is the essential way
love honors what it misses.

Many say that hate is the opposite of love,
but it is fear that is truly the lowest vibration,
the absence of light.

We live too often with our hearts protected,
our thoughts monitored behind a wall of reserve,
convinced that connection may lead to disaster.

So we posture, role play, and judge,
appearing to be assembled
and yet we are not connected.
We cling in dimness.

Love, unlike fear, builds confidence.
When you give your love to someone
it changes your life,
and the lives of others completely.

Simply smile at the stranger and
connect in a way that makes you feel
like you have shared a secret.
You have shared your light.

When you allow yourself to be visible,
filaments of connection ignite as affirmations of belonging.
As your connection to this Earthlife grows,
your light will have no choice but to illuminate
what you see and what sees you.

There was never meant to be the question
of whether or not you are lovable
You already are.